15 Creative Ways to Make Use of Old Pillows
Originally published on ofhsoupkitchen.org According to the National Sleep Foundation , you should replace your pillows every two years. This might seem like an awful waste of money especially if your pillows aren’t that lumpy yet. But remember that your pillow absorbs dirt, oil, saliva, and whatnots. Over time, it accumulates and becomes the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and viruses. But before you drag your old pillows to the recycling bin, take a good look at it first. Is it still usable? If you’ve only been using it for a few years, chances are it still is. With a good bit of cleaning, it might even look presentable. So why throw it away when you can still repurpose it? If you’re struggling for ideas on what to do with old pillows, here are some creative suggestions: 1. Pet Bed You may not be able to use your old pillow anymore but it doesn’t mean your pet can’t. Let your pet bask on the windowsill while comfortably snuggled in those cozy pillows. You can also pu...