25 Meaningful Things To Do On Your Birthday

 Someone making an offering at the church, one of the four types of giving according to the bible.

Originally published on ofhsoupkitchen.org

When we were young, birthdays meant fun and excitement. You get gifts, play with your friends, and eat delicious foods. But as we grow older, birthdays have lost their spark.

Gone are the days when we can’t wait for our birthday to arrive. Now, some of us can’t wait for the day to pass. The usual mindless partying and social gatherings have become too “shallow”. As adults, we realize that all we ever really want is to be happy during this special day. Not the kind of giddy happiness you feel when you receive gifts but the peaceful contentment brought about by simple things.

This is why birthday celebrations need not be extravagant or glamorous to be considered the “best birthday ever”. You don’t even have to celebrate it with a large crowd (half of which you’ve never seen before) to make it fun. Instead, focus on making this day about you. It’s your day after all. It only comes once a year so make it meaningful and spend it with a purpose.

Here are some things to do on your birthday to make it much more meaningful and special:

1. Allot some “me time’

With all the hustle and bustle of everyday life, having a few hours to yourself is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.

2. Step outside your comfort zone

What is it that you’ve always wanted to do but never had the courage to? Now is your chance. Do something today that you’ve never done or you’ll live out the rest of your days with a lot of “what ifs”.

3. Eat a food you’ve never tried

Forget about your calorie count even just for a day. This only happens once a year so eat to your heart’s content.

4. Donate to causes you support

Instead of just posting about it on social media, try making a donation to the causes you care about.

5. Create your very own masterpiece

Unleash your creative side. Channel all your frustrations, stress, and disappointments of the previous year by creating your very own masterpiece.

6. Volunteer at your local soup kitchen

Soup kitchens are some of the few places where the homeless and destitute can get a decent meal free from judgment. They usually rely on donations and volunteers who are willing to devote their time to a noble cause.

7. Distribute gift bags to the homeless

Making other people happy makes us happy too. So instead of holding a fancy banquet, why not make gift bags for the homeless? You can refer to our guide on making DIY homeless survival kits if you’ve never done it before.

8. Get a relaxing blind massage

Getting a blind massage is a win-win situation. You get to help disabled people who are trying to make an honest living while getting a relaxing massage for yourself.

9. Volunteer in a shelter

There are a lot of homeless shelters around the US and most of them are in need of an extra pair of hands. So you won’t have a hard time finding one to volunteer in.

10. Buy yourself a gift

Treat yourself to a day spa, buy those shoes you’ve always wanted, get that watch you’ve been eyeing the whole year. You don’t have to wait for someone to give you a gift on your birthday. Go ahead and buy yourself that gift.

11. See friends you’ve never seen for a long time

As we grow old, it’s inevitable to lose contact with some people. This is your opportunity to reconnect with those people you’ve never heard from for a long time.

12. Forgive and ask for forgiveness

Forgiving those who’ve wronged you and asking for forgiveness from the people you’ve hurt is one way of getting that lump off your chest. It also allows you to start afresh.

13. Start a new hobby

Enroll in a karate class, yoga, painting, or any new hobby. Birthdays are an opportunity to turn a new leaf. Starting a new hobby is a step in the right direction.

14. Donate old stuff

Instead of doing a garage sale, you can donate your old stuff to charities. Salvation Army and Goodwill have thousands of drop-off locations across the country. You can also donate it to local charities like soup kitchens and shelters.

Donation words written inside the carton

15. Celebrate with your loved ones

The best times are always those you spend with people you love. It makes any occasion all the more special.

16. Go on a trip alone

Traveling alone forces you to go out of your comfort zone. In the process, you get to learn more about yourself and your capabilities.

17. Learn a new skill

Don’t be afraid to learn something new. You’ll never know when you’ll have need of a particular skill.

18. Organize a food drive

Food drives are a great way to bring the community together and help those who are in need. Make your birthday more memorable by spearheading a food drive in your area.

19. Participate in a charity run

There’s a reason why charity runs are very popular nowadays. You not only get to express support for the cause you care about, but it’s also a great way to release some endorphins.

20. Get a makeover

Getting a makeover generally signifies turning over a new leaf. Besides, it makes you look younger even as you advance in age.

21. Plant a garden

Planting has a very therapeutic effect. Celebrate your birthday by starting your own garden.

22. Participate in or organize a clean-up drive

Whether it’s cleaning up the ocean or just your local park, Mother Nature will surely thank you for it.

23. Adopt an advocacy

If you’ve never had a personal advocacy before, now is the perfect time to adopt one.

24. Do a digital detox

Turn off all your electrical devices or go to a place with no electricity or internet signal. This will help you appreciate life’s simple pleasures.

25. Donate blood

Blood donation is not only good for your health. It also helps you save a life.

Donate To The Poor Online

Our Father’s House Soup Kitchen has fed the poor and homeless over 90,000 full and nutritious meals since 1993. You can donate to help the poor and homeless through our christian charity online. Visit our homepage to find our online donation form. 
